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Connector Builder Intro

The connector builder UI provides an intuitive UI on top of the low-code YAML format and uses built connectors for syncs within the same workspace directly from within the UI. We recommend using it to iterate on your low-code connectors.


The connector builder UI is in beta, which means it’s still in active development and may include backward-incompatible changes. Share feedback and requests with us on our Slack channel or email us at

Developer updates will be announced via our #help-connector-development Slack channel. If you are using the CDK, please join to stay up to date on changes and issues.

When should I use the connector builder?

The connector builder is the right tool if the following points are met:

  • You want to integrate with a JSON-based HTTP API as a source of records
  • The API you want to integrate with doesn't exist yet as a connector in the connector catalog.
  • The API is suitable for the connector builder as per the compatibility guide.

Getting started

The high level flow for using the connector builder is as follows:

  1. Access the connector builder in the Airbyte web app
  2. Use the connector builder to iterate on your low-code connector
  3. Once the connector is ready, publish it to the local workspace
  4. Configure a Source based on the released connector
  5. Use the Source in a connection to sync data

Follow the tutorial for an example of this flow. The concept pages in the sidebar to the left go into greater detail of more complex configurations.

Connector vs. configured source vs. connection

When building a connector, it's important to differentiate between the connector, the configured source based on a connector, and the connection:

The connector defines the functionality of how to access an API or a database, for example protocol, URL paths to access, the way requests need to be structured, and how to extract records from responses.


While configuring a connector in the builder, make sure to not hardcode things like API keys or passwords - these should be passed in as user input when configuring a Source based on your connector.

Follow the tutorial for an example of how this looks like in practice.

The configured source is configuring a connector to actually extract records. The exact fields of the configuration depend on the connector, but in most cases, it provides authentication information (username and password, API key) and information about which data to extract, for example, the start date to sync records from, a search query records have to match.

The connection links up a configured source and a configured destination to perform syncs. It defines things like the replication frequency (e.g. hourly, daily, manually) and which streams to replicate.

Exporting the connector


This section is only relevant if you want to contribute your connector back to the Airbyte connector catalog to make it available outside of your workspace.

The connector builder leverages the low-code CDK under the hood, turning all configurations into the YAML format. While in most cases it's not necessary to interact with the YAML representation, it can be used to export the connector specification into a file and build a docker image containing the connector which can be shared more widely:

  1. Use the connector builder to iterate on your low-code connector
  2. Export the YAML into a low-code connector module on your local machine
  3. Build the connector's Docker image
  4. Use the built connector image in Airbyte

Once you're done iterating on your connector in the UI, you'll need to export the low-code YAML representation of the connector to your local filesystem into a connector module. This YAML can be downloaded by clicking the Download Config button in the bottom-left.

Create a low-code connector module using the connector generator (see this YAML tutorial for an example) using the name you'd like to use for your connector. After creating the connector, overwrite the contents of airbyte-integrations/connectors/source-<connector name>/source_<connector name>/manifest.yaml with the YAML you created in the UI.

Follow the instructions in the connector README to build the Docker image. Typically this will be something like docker build . -t airbyte/source-<name>:<version>.

From this point on your connector is a regular low-code CDK connector and can be distributed as a docker image and made part of the regular Airbyte connector catalog - you can find the publish process on the overview page.


A lot of Airbyte-managed connectors are based on the low-code CDK. They can be identified by the manifest.yaml file in place of python files.

These manifest.yaml files can easily be imported and explored in the builder.

To do so, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to a manifest.yaml file of a connector on Github
  • Download the raw file
  • Go to the connector builder
  • Create a new connector with the button in the top right
  • Pick the "Import a YAML manifest" option
  • Select the downloaded file
  • Change and test the connector

The following connectors are good showcases for real-world use cases:

  • The API is a simple connector implementing multiple streams and API-key based authentication
  • The News API implements pagination and user-configurable request parameters
  • The CoinGecko API implements incremental syncs

Note: Not all manifest.yaml files can be edited and tested in the connector builder because some are using custom python classes which isn't supported yet.